Achieving through selecting, training and measuring human resources

"In the global economic boom of the 1990s, human resources are the competitive edge for both companies and countries. In the global economic competition of the information economy, the quality and innovativeness of human resources will spell the difference." – Megatrends 2000

John Naisbitt and Patricia Aburdene weren't kidding when they included the above statement in Megatrends 2000. The first of the 10 megatrends they forecast for this decade is a global economic boom-and their discussion clearly identifies a link between organizational success and avant garde human resource thinking. 

This chapter focuses on a specialized area of human resource development. It makes suggestions that are off the beaten path of most small- and medium-sized businesses. It suggests new, more professional, and futuristic ways to do old things. And it offers opportunities for leaders and achieving organizations that will improve their ability to select and effectively supervise their most important asset-talented people.

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