Personally Yours
Clean, well-written, and personalized correspondence has tremendous value to both the entrepreneurial achiever and the organization. It's an area that deserves your priority attention. A few times a year I personally sign a batch of two or three hundred letters. Some would question the use of my time, but it's a priority that everyone in our organizations send professional, personalized letters. The people we're mailing to are important to us. They're worth whatever individual attention we can give them. I also sometimes write a note at the bottom of the letter if there's a personal thought or point of emphasis I want to share.
I'm proud I don't send letters out without my original signature. Even during an extended absence I have my administrative assistant forward correspondence to me for signing and mailing. It's also a matter of pride that my associates don't mail letters without their original signatures.
When you invest time to sign your correspondence, use an ink color other than black. The reader will know immediately that your letter is personal and that you care enough to sign his or her letter personally.