Timing Isn't Everything. Not Quite.

Question: You have a new idea. If your timing can't be perfect, is it better to be too early or too late? Achievers, who by their more aggressive and innovative nature reach the starting gate earlier than others, usually face a greater risk in being too early. Many suffer setbacks because they were too far ahead, and didn't have the financial staying power to wait for the market to develop. 

Perhaps that's why many larger companies sit back and let others take the initial entrepreneurial risk. Unlike the entrepreneur, they have no reason to hurry, or so they think. They let others plant the tree. They watch it grow or die and move in only when life signs are thumbs up. It must be nice! 

The superior idea does not always win. A well-timed product or service has a greater likelihood of success. Marketing the right idea into the right niche at the right time is an awesome combination. It's accomplished by an alert, savvy, and gutsy entrepreneurial achiever, perhaps with a little luck thrown in for good measure.

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