The Best Promotional Money You Won't Spend

Distribution of our magazine, the Tri-State Neighbor, covers a four state area. Our highly productive advertising and news staffs cover a lot of territory. 

Our magazine has a fleet of silver station wagons. On the sides and back of each vehicle our logo is prominently and attractively displayed. Our effort is unique and creates a lot of comment and recognition. It has been a terrific tool, creating greater presence in our four-state coverage area. Our advertising manager says the high profile keeps her out of mischief–not one of our original intentions, but we take what we can get. 

In 1989 our restaurant group introduced window paint to the upper Midwest, an inexpensive and, at that time, unique marketing tool. General manager Blayne Blowers believes it accounted for an immediate three percent sales increase. The increase paid for the signage in a couple of days, and it's still bringing them in! 

Even though I'm in the media business, I know there are plenty of innovative ways to increase sales and profit without buying a second of air time or a column inch of ad space.

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