If It's Lonely at the Top, You Should Have Taken the Stairs
“There is always room at the top, but there's no time to sit down.” — Helen Downey
You have everything you could ever want. And you're not a happy person? It happens a lot. Life at the top isn't always what it's bragged up to be.
Reaching "the top" too easily can be more unfulfilling than waging a lifelong struggle to make ends meet. Grinding out the steps on each rung of life's ladder brings fulfillment and self-esteem. There's nothing better than feeling good about what you have because you earned it.
Years ago I had a friend who made a respectable living specializing in a narrow business segment. He and his wife had two preschool kids and ostensibly had a good family life. When a competitor wanted to enter his specialty segment, they approached him and offered a huge compensation package if he would jump ship and run their new division. He made the move.
For the next few years he achieved only mediocre results. One of the contributing factors, I believe, was that he didn't feel he deserved the financial windfall. His lifestyle changed. He began drinking heavily. His wife moved out for a short while. His mood became sullen.
From the outside looking in, he was one lucky dude. From the inside looking out, he was in hell on earth.
Perhaps he attributed his sudden pile of money to luck, believing he didn't deserve it. Perhaps he drank so others would blame drinking instead of lack of ability for not achieving the results his new employer expected. Or perhaps his changed behavior was a result of how undeserving he felt. One thing is for sure the money didn't bring him self-esteem. If you don't feel you deserve it, you won't feel good about having it.
Life at the top runs the emotional gamut from loneliness to happiness. Those of us who have to climb the stairs of achievement may not be so bad off after all. When we get there, our chances of enjoying it are much better.